Quantum dot is a kind of nanometer semiconductor. By applying a certain electric field or light pressure to the nanometer semiconductor material, they will emit light with a specific frequency, and the frequency of the light will change with the size of the semiconductor. Therefore, the color of the light can be controlled by adjusting the size of the nanometer semiconductor Quantum dots have the properties of limiting electrons and electron holes, which are similar to atoms or molecules in nature, so they are called quantum dots. The special structure of quantum dots makes them have surface effect, quantum size effect, dielectric confinement effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect. They show many physical and chemical properties and special optical properties different from macroscopic bulk materials, which make them have great application prospects in many fields such as display, medicine, solar energy cells and so on.<br>Through literature analysis, this paper summarizes the research background, preparation methods and application status of colloidal quantum dot devices. On the basis of clarifying the specific technical indicators and application fields of colloidal quantum dot devices, it provides reference materials for the further development and application of colloidal quantum dot devices.<br>