Teachers need to nurture non intelligent elements of education and education according to the characteristics of college students. (1) pay attention to students' learning motivation and stimulate student motivation in and outside of the students, and at first, the situation of the problem is constantly produced, and the heuristic teaching is effectively carried out. To ask a student why? What? How? "Key to effective guidance. Effective guidance must be performed in the context of a teacher that always creates problems, allowing students to explore problems and work hard to solve problems and stimulate students' internal motivation. Next, students will be able to set reasonable goals. Self efficacy. Teachers can discuss students' goals and set goals, help students set reasonable goals, make goals, encourage students in the process of achieving goals, improve student self-efficacy, and stimulate students effectively. Motivation for in-house learning. Finally, a positive assessment and feedback rating are given and constructive opinions are presented. In the classroom teaching process, the teacher should properly admire the student's classroom performance and stimulate the student's enthusiasm for learning. Correct student homework and feedback student mistakes in time and avoid the same mistakes. Timely and effective assessments stimulate students' external motivation as well as achieve the expected effects of e