Hello, Yoki!Warm regards! It's understandable that it was natural and reasonable for you to let him know that you do not want to lead a meaningless connection or conversation if he is not ready to change himself and the way you presented yourself has created some form of wideness within his mind to feel and think about how he should try to bring the change in him and the way he acts towards you. You have had done a lot from your end to bring a change to this connection and despite that, he has failed to act in the right way. But his silence is not the determining factor of how he told you to contact another man or something like that. He has been silent because he wasn't sure how he wants to respond to you. It was only a moment of his weakness and his inability to be expressive about what he wants. He still wants to remain connected with you and as far as the planetary status is concerned it is still possible for the two of you to find a good way to remain connected with each other and move ahead as lovers. But to ensure such happening he needs to come forth and put efforts from his end. And at this phase, he is trying to bring the change in himself. The planets are indicative that the 2nd week of this month is the time when he shall contact you voluntarily. Shall things take a bit longer another conducive time for him to contact you is during the 4th week of this month. During these time periods, he shall try to be expressive of what he feels and thinks about you and this connection and how he wishes to give this connection a new direction. Thank you and take care!