The underlying XenApp infrastructure is shared across multiple business areas with each having its own set of XenApp member servers communicating with common XenApp infrastructure structures. The number of members servers is dependent upon the business’ capacity requirements and resource footprint.Applications are installed on to the XenApp servers and are made available to end users according to AD group membership. AppSense is used to manage environmental configuration including the application of security policy for compliance purposes.Users log on to a StoreFront server through a web browser using their AD credentials and are presented with the application(s) that they have been granted access to. Selecting an application results in an instance of that application being launched on a XenApp server. All keyboard and mouse interaction is passed from the client device back to the XenApp server and the server sends screen images down to the client device. To the end user it appears as if they are running the application locally. All data access is kept within the data centre.