R3-268 [171] Cabinets equipped with operating electronics and equipment shall withstandthe loads resulting from local environmental conditions without suffering electronicmalfunction, mechanical damage, or loosening of component parts. For thispurpose, the Office Vibration test procedure is outlined in ETSI EN 300 019-2-4V2.2.2,[67] Table 5, Vibration; and IEC 60721-3-4[70] Class 4M5 random. The cabinetsupplier shall provide the required operating characteristics for the housedelectronics after exposure to this test. If tested as a cabinet alone, all equipmentprovided with the cabinet shall function as intended during this test. If a cabinet isconfigured with electronics during this test, the electronics shall function asintended (e.g., transmit data, etc.) during the vibration.For earthquake and environmental vibration, pad-mounted and pole-mounted unitsshall be secured directly using the hardware provided or recommended by themanufacturer. Pad-mounted units are directly mounted to the vibration table, whilepole-mounted units are mounted on a pole with the bottom of the cabinet 2 feet offthe vibration table or at the minimum installation height specified by themanufacturer. The pole shall be a steel pole that is 9 inches in diameter and1/2 inch thick that is welded to a steel flange that will mount to the vibration table.Wall-mounted units are to be secured to a simulated wall constructed of steel oraluminum, which is directly mounted to the vibration table. Simulate the mountingmeans that would likely be used in the applicable environment as agreed to by thecustomer.The pole-mounting means provided with the product shall be modified to attach tothe test pole. In the test report, document the mounting means that was selected forthe test, and provide a technical rationale for the selection of that mounting means.NOTE: A hybrid wood-steel pole shall be used when mounting to or into awooden pole and is an integral part of a pole-mount securing method.Such a pole could consist of a 6-inch square tube, ½-inch steel walls, witha 1-inch deep wood interface or other, as determined by the cabinetmanufacturer.