Are you even going to have time to study for the English exam? you maybe managing your time poorly。 yes,i'll have plenty of time。 The football game is on Saturday,which means icon study all day Sunday。 as long as you're still working hard to enter a good school that it's okay。 you so concerned about my future。 i've always had good grades。 it's certain that i'll be able to get into a good college。 Be happy when my friends succeed。 i'm sorry,I will stop bothering you about it。 it's fine。 i'm glad you care about me。 by the way。 how did you do in mr。 m。 area class venue took it last year。 Judging by the fact that you are in his advanced class this year,you must have done well。 yes,I did very well last year。 1really made me interested in the subject。 I want to focus on math after we graduate next year。