Anni is an incredible student! She did a wonderful job today and followed along very well. I am proud of her for her excellent participation. She does not speak with confidence but she did always listen to the teacher and could respond to most of my questions. She speaks in full sentences on her own. She has good intonation while reading, however she still needs to practice her vocabulary and pronunciation. She has very good reading comprehension and always knew what was happening in the story. Today we learned the sounds of “oi” and “oy”. We also learned many new words and their meanings by reading them in the context of the story. We went on a treasure hunt as we read today's story called Hunt with joy and Roy. At the end, she was able to retell the story with the help of a map using our new vocabulary words. We were also able to talk about how to get through the maze. Not always, but she was able to mostly use proper sentence structure when speaking. Shee is an excellent student and I would love to be her teacher. I think she is going to do great with our English courses because her energy level was so high today. I hope to see her in my classroom again. She is a really great girl. Thank you! Teacher Roland