Another experiment to show this can be made with three jugs of water, one warmer, one colder, and one with a temperature between the other two.Put one hand in the warm one and one in the cold one for a while.Then put them both in the middle one.Your hands will feel different, because the direction of heat flow is the opposite in the two hands.Again, a fact:The whole body surface is a part of a temperature regulation system, which will try to maintain the internal temperature constant, while keeping the different parts of the body at healthy levels, by moving heat around according to the regulation needs in different areas.That means that our body surface temperature will vary according to those regulation needs.And as a matter of curiosity, even emotion can disturb or change the surface temperature and thermal pattern of the body.The following pictures are of a girl named Karin(see Appendix 2).She took part in a study regarding thermal effects of third molar surgery.In these pictures she has not had the surgery yet, but she is blushing because of something the dental surgeon said.It showed up in the infrared, but not in the visible – the thermal pattern and the temperature changed(by 0.3 degrees)within a matter of four minutes.