This tutorial walks you through the process of deploying and running the PMSM VDQ Local Control shipping example which was pre-configured to run a permanent magnet synchronous machine drive. The tutorial provides an overview of the System Definition configuration and also demonstrates how to deploy, run, and monitor the simulation in real-time. The machine drive model used in this example, a two-level inverter, was created using MATLAB Simulink (see below). In this example, we send sinusoidal voltage signals through U01_Va, U02_Vb and U03_Vc, with a 120 degrees phase offset between each signal. These signals will be rectified, giving us a DC voltage that will be measured by Y04_Vdc (DC Link). This DC voltage will power the SW01_06 Inverter. It's gating signals (SW01-06_Inverter) will be controlled by sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) generators. A simple local control algorithm applies control setpoints to the SPWM generators. The inverter voltages (i.e measurements), Y01_va Y02_vb Y03_vc, are used to drive the PMSM machine and the currents generated from the PMSM are fed back into the system using the U02_Ia and U03_Ib current sources.