LO 10-5 Describe major sources of performance information in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.Performance information may come from an employee’s self-appraisal and from appraisals by the employee’s supervisor, employees, peers, and customers.Using only one source makes the appraisal more subjective.Organizations may combine many sources into a 360-degree performance appraisal.Gathering information from each employee’s manager may produce accurate information, unless the supervisor has little opportunity to observe the employee.Peers are an excellent source of information about performance in a job where the supervisor does not often observe the employee. Disadvantages are that friendships (or rivalries) may bias ratings and peers may be uncomfortable with the role of rating a friend.Subordinates often have the best chance to see how a manager treats employees. Employees may be reluctant to contribute honest opinions about a supervisor unless they can provide information anonymously.Self-appraisals may be biased, but they do come from the person with the most knowledge of the employee’s behavior on the job, and they provide a basis for discussion in feedback sessions, opening up fruitful comparisons and areas of disagreement between the self-appraisal and other appraisals.Customers may be an excellent source of performance information, although obtaining customer feedback tends to be expensive.