GW is processed in three (3) treatment streams. Each stream includes:A GW receiving channel;Two screens with associated screenings processing equipment;A grit trap and associated grit processing equipment;A screenings hopper and loadout equipment; andA grit hopper and loadout equipment.The three (3) streams shall be configured as three (3) duty.The screens and grit traps shall be from the standard product range of a specialist systemmanufacturer with a track record of reference facilities in successful operation receivingsimilar tankered wastes and with screen and grit trap systems of the same type and sizeas those proposed. The screens and grit traps shall be suitable for direct tanker discharge.Each pair of screens and associated grit trap shall have the capacity to continuouslyprocess 30m³ of GW in 15 minutes; based on a maximum time taken to discharge two15m³ tankers.Dedicated screenings dewatering presses shall be provided for each screen.After dewatering the screenings shall be transferred to the associated screenings hopperby screw conveyor.Screens and associated screenings processing systems shall be designed in accordancewith General Specifications G4.15 Screens (Used Water) and G4.17 ScreeningConditioning Systems respectively