Bidirectional power conversion system is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two bridge current mode converters indicated in Fig. 1 as L and H. They are galvanically isolated by the high-frequency transformer TR. During energy transmission from the low voltage source VL, the converter L operates as an inverter, and the H converter works as a rectifier. During the reverse transmission, the H converter operates as an inverter and the L is becoming a rectifier. Switching process of both inverters is supported by a series-parallel resonant circuit (Fig. 1). It is composed of CL and CH capacitors, shunting individual switches and a resonant inductor LH . The inductance LH is increased by the transformer leakage inductance. A detailed description and analysis of the converter is presented in the article (See Jalbrzykowski et al., 2009). The control of the energy transfer between VL and VH sources in the presented converter, is accomplished by the switching frequency changes, while maintaining a fixed off time. The L inverter control pulses are shown in the Fig. 2.