Abstract <BR>This paper describes the study and implementation of FPGA-based DDS signal generator. First, this paper introduces the development and characteristics of DDS signal generator and signal generator; then, describes the research status at home and abroad and demonstration program of the subject; then, with a detailed account of the FPGA chip-based development in board, by using MATLAB mif file generating respective waveform waveform data, then generates quartus II12.0 programmed using the DDS and PS2 keyboard to control the output waveform, and the frequency and phase of the waveform using the waveform of the current VGA display output image which ; Finally, to achieve the frequency range of 100Hz-5MHz, 100Hz-5MHz bandwidth of the waveform may be output square wave, sine wave, triangular wave, sawtooth DDS signal generator. This design is proved by the fusion of hardware and software, in conjunction with the DDS technique, and then the FPGA programmed to implement the method of generating multiple waveforms can be successful. <BR>Keywords: DDS technology; the FPGA; signal generator