3.Suggested List of ExperimentThis section provides a list of experiments which cover the topics of the previous section.1.Point-to-point transformation. This laboratory experiment provides for thresholding an image and the evaluation of its histogram. The user can choose a threshold level to see the image showing only the pixels at that threshold.2.Morphological operations I. This experiment is intended so students can appreciate the effect of morphological operations using a small structuring element on simple binary images. The operations that can be performed are erosion, dilation, opening, closing, open-close, close-open. 3.Morphological operations 11. This experiment is designed to let students know how morphological functions change images by applying consecutive erosion and dilation operations. 4.Histogram equalization. This experiment illustrates the relationship among the intensities (gray levels) of an image and its histogram. It shows how to improve the image by equalizing the histogram. 5.Geometric transformations. This experiment shows iinage rotation, scaling, and translation. 6.Two-dimensional Fourier transform I. The purpose of this experiment is to provide an understanding of the harmonic content of an image using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). 7.Two-dimensional Fourier Transform 11. This experiment is designed so the student learns the concept of masking with the DFT. 8.Linear filtering using convolution. After completing this experiment every student should understand the concepts of filtering using linear convolution. 9.Highly selective filters. In this experiment students appreciate the effects on an image after a highly selective filter is applied to it. 10.Ideal filters in the frequency domain. This experiment allows students to appreciate the effects of filtering low and high frequencies in an image. 11.Non Linear filtering using convolutional masks. This experiment allows students to understand the effects of a median filter on an image corrupted with impulsive noise. 12.Entropy as a compression measure. This experiments introduces students to entropy as a compression measurement to the DPCM compression measure. 13.Edge detection. This experiment enables students to understand the concept of edge detectors and their operation in noisy images. It is worth mentioning that in some of these experiments, the functions defined have been completely written in MATLAB code and in other cases use have been made of internal MATLAB functions such as rand, show-img, ffQ, ifft2, fftshift, etc.