7 Conditioning and testing atmosphereThe standard temperate atmosphere for conditioning and testing textiles as defined in ISO 139 shall be used, i.e. atemperature (20 1 2) 0C and a relative humidity of (65士2)%.8 Preparation of test specimens8.1 Pre-treatmentUnless otherwise agreed, launder or dry clean the sample using a method agreed upon by the interested parties.NOTE The procedures described in ISO 6330 or ISO 3175-1 or ISO 3175-2 may be suitable.8.2 SamplingNOTE Test specimens should be randomly placed with none of the test specimens having common warp or weft threads.The test specimen for the specimen holder is a disc of(,40 +o} mm diameter. The test specimen for the pillingtable can optionally be( 140 +o ) mm in diameter or(,50士2) mm in both the length and width.Throughout samplingminimum of tension isand specimen preparation particular care shall be taken thatapplied to avoid any abnormal elongation of the textile fabric.during handling the absolute8.3 Number of test specimensAt least three sets of specimensarespecimen holder and one for thethree specimens of the fabricrequired where one complete set comprisestable. Where the wool abradant fabric is usedspecimens, an odd numbtest are required for the specimen holders.er of specimens shall be used. A further specimen cut isassessment against the tested specimen.8.4 Marking the test specimensBefore sampling, mark each test specimen,ensures that the test specimens are alignedinfluence the test in any way.one test specimen for theon the pilling table, at leastIf testing more than threenecessary for comparativeat the same point, on the back of the fabric to be assessed. Thisin the same thread direction in the assessment. The mark shall not9 Procedure9.1 GeneralCheck the Martindale abrasionspecimen support materials aftertesting machine for correctness in accordance with ISO 12947-1.Assess theevery pilling test and replace in the event of soiling or wear.9.2 Mounting the test specimensWith lightweight knitted fabrics, particular care shall be taken that the test specimens are not visibly extended.9.2.1 Mounting the test specimen in the specimen holderRemove the specimen holder ring and guide spindlespecimen mounting (5.2.7), small diameter uppermostfrom each specimen holder. Place the auxiliary device forthe angled surface of the auxiliary device, rollon a bench or table top.ring down until it is located onPosition a specimen holder ring onthe large parallel diameter}at the base.