The active layer is one of the main characteristics of permafrost. It melts in warm season and freezes in cold season, showing seasonal changes. The violent change of the ground temperature of the active layer will directly affect the change of the temperature of permafrost, thus affecting the stability of permafrost. The monitoring station of this data set is located at 92 ° e, 34 ° N and 4600m above sea level. The terrain of the monitoring site is flat and the vegetation type is alpine meadow. The monitoring instrument is dt500 series data acquisition instrument. The ground temperature monitoring is carried out at 5 depths of 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 160cm below the ground surface respectively. The time interval of this data set is 1 day, which is the average value of 30 minute data During this period, the data is stable and continuous. Based on the data of soil heat flux and soil moisture, the heat change process and mechanism of the active layer are studied<br>