Emergency logistics transportation system is the basic guarantee of emergency material distribution. With the increase of complexity and difficulty of emergency work, new requirements are put forward for the construction of emergency logistics transportation guarantee system. First, strengthen the construction of emergency transportation channel. Transportation channel is one of the basic components of emergency logistics transportation system. The timeliness of emergency logistics is not perfect, and it can not pass through effective transportation channel It is satisfied that on the basis of the integration and utilization of the existing conventional transportation channels, the emergency functions of the traditional transportation channels are fully explored, and the foundation for the rapid transformation of the traditional logistics channels of the emergency department is laid based on the reality.. emergency! emergency. In the process of reconstruction of station, port, warehouse and other related infrastructure construction, it is necessary to improve the function of emergency logistics transportation hub, and strive to build a multi-directional and bypass road network in the region, so as to facilitate the allocation of emergency materials and the smooth transportation of vehicles. The construction of parking apron and other alternative channels can meet the requirements of emergency logistics and ensure the timely arrival of emergency materials when the main channel is blocked