In a safe haven principle, subjective prerequisites are very important. In other words, service providers should not be aware of the existence of infringement or the occurrence of infringement. Indeed, under what circumstances the network service provider "must know or know" the existence of a breach is still a controversial issue. There is an opinion that the "information" required by network service providers must be realistic. According to this view, Internet service providers are only able to compose breaches if they are aware of the breaches and have not taken action. According to this idea, the standard of "know" or "must know" of network service providers is more clear. That is, it is easy to judge only if the network service provider still does not act or is defective after receiving a notice from the copyright owner. "Knowing" or "Knowing" cannot be protected by a "safe haven" except for the safe haven principle. If the "know" or "must know" standards are too low, then the network service provider will be overburdened, which will not help the healthy development of the Internet.