3.3. Bilateral devices – Bi-Manu-Track robotic arm trainerAn alternative approach to upper limb robotic treatment is a bilateral treatment strategy. An example of this approach is seen in the Bi-Manu-Track (RehaStim, Germany), which consists of dual forearm troughs mounted on a tabletop workstation. The BiManu-Track provides mirrored movements to the upper limbs including forearm pronation/supination, wrist flexion/extension, and metacarpophalangeal extension. The device can provide passive bilateral movement, mirror movements produced by the unaffected/affected arm, or provide resistance to movement.
3.3. Bilateral devices – Bi-Manu-Track robotic arm trainer<br>An alternative approach to upper limb robotic treatment is a bilateral treatment strategy. An example of this approach is seen in the Bi-Manu-Track (RehaStim, Germany), which consists of dual forearm troughs mounted on a tabletop workstation. The BiManu-Track provides mirrored movements to the upper limbs including forearm pronation/supination, wrist flexion/extension, and metacarpophalangeal extension. The device can provide passive bilateral movement, mirror movements produced by the unaffected/affected arm, or provide resistance to movement.