First of all, music helps us 24 we areunhappy, and gives us plleasure whenwe arehappy. There are many different kinds of music: slowhand fast. serious and relaxingWe can clhemusic to25 our moods.And second, musIcis fun. Many people enjoy play the drums and usingtheir energy.Scientists say that music helps children witlanguage learning. MuSic Improves the earwe knowthat children who have studied music can learn more easily and pronounce much better. Students whohave learnt to play music are also better at math. ThisIs notmusic is mathematical,withnoteing music with other people alsohelps children to People who can play musicalinstruments always have something they can do at a30You need a lot of practice to play an instrumentand it can be difficult to persuadedeyour child to spend hours playing the piano or the guiter.So music practice should be a daily habit for example,every day,but do not make the practice time too long