58. Exerciseoftransmittees’rights (1) If a transmittee chooses to become the holder of a share, the transmittee must notify the companyin writingofthechoice. (2) Within2monthsafterreceivingthenotice,thedirectorsmust— (a) registerthetransmitteeastheholderoftheshare;or (b) sendthetransmitteeanoticeofrefusalofregistration. (3) If the directorsrefuse registration,thetransmitteemayrequesta statement of thereasonsfortherefusal. (4) If a request is made underparagraph(3), the directorsmust,within 28days after receivingtherequest— (a) sendthetransmitteeastatementofthereasonsfortherefusal;or (b) registerthetransmitteeastheholderoftheshare. (5) If the transmittee chooses to have the share transferred to another person, the transmittee must execute an instrumentoftransferinrespectofit. (6) Allthe limitations,restrictions andotherprovisionsof thesearticlesrelating tothe righttotransfer and the registration of transfer of shares apply to the notice under paragraph (1) or the transfer under paragraph (5), as if the transmission had not occurred and the transfer were a transfermadebytheholderofthesharebeforethetransmission.