CPTL WalletTo complement the Shopping Payment Gateway, CPTL will also develop itsown cryptocurrency wallet app. This will be a hierarchical deterministic (HD)wallet that stores multiple cryptocurrencies including CPTL’s own nativetoken. Aside from major cryptocurrencies, the wallet will provide support formore than 1,600 ERC20 tokens.One unique feature of the CPTL wallet is that it shows the price movementof supported cryptocurrencies. This is made possible by sourcing data frommultiple cryptocurrency data sites. On top of this, the wallet has a chat mes-saging function. Shopping mall owners and small retailers may be able tocommunicate with the buyers themselves if they add them to their contacts.This can serve as an avenue for them to advertise their products and offerexclusive deals and discounts. Users can also use this interface to chat withtheir friends and send moneyCPTL Website PluginThe CPTL website plugin can expedite the cryptocurrency adoption ofshopping malls. Conceived as an extension of the CPTL Shopping PaymentAPI, this can be used for those shopping platforms that want to maintaintheir websites as the only portal to their products. This will also enable themto accept payments in cryptocurrency and convert them to fiat should theywish to do so.The plugin will convert between assets based on real-time price of crypto-currencies. Moreover, they may also use the API and the plugin to initiatecryptocurrency-based rewards for user purchases. Additional features andperks may be enabled in the future once all the initial plans and platformshave been rolled out, and if the need for such arises.CPTL Account PortalAll shopping malls and cryptocurrency users will be given access to theirown CPTL account portal, which serves different functions depending onthe user’s need. For example, online merchants may be able to publish amore comprehensive weekly and monthly report of their shop’s sales andprofits. Compared to the transaction record that is available on the CPTLAPI, this account portal will give them a breakdown of their sales for allitems..