The bench via a very important It simulated the same thing as far as jumping. The bending at the hips and using a lower back in the abs。The Swiss ball crunch. All right, you keep in the tension abs Like I said, it's 30% of Your vertical you want to make sure that Your core is strong. Delayed weighted box jump now! Check out how I delete at the bottom. And I'm using all just so I can get. The maximum benefits of each leg For the box jump. Which are the options so you don't have to use waste all the time. But make sure you're landing on your heels and not your tip toes To keep the attention off your knee. This is a depth jump Dumbbell snatch Very important, make sure you land And you drive through you heels。Very effective when it comes to the vertical leap。Its reaction workout. This is the hanging clean. All right, just below the knee. It's not hitting the ground. And using all hips back. This is a power clean. This is coming from off the ground. Dead lifts off the ground Make sure you show your numbers. Also stay on your hill so you can use in your explosion Muscles, your hammies your lower back and your glutes This is the lateral box jump. Against the isolation of the leg weights are optional. This is a jump squat。Right, so let's go over the most effective exercise Of Bush a vertical The modified delayed deadly You're gonna be targeted ttwo muscles Which is satorious which is inside And intensive which is outside. How you target this during the deadly. It's the position of the feet。Alright, so with feet being straight. You're going to target a dead on feed being the where you're targeting outside.Tensity been our year targeting Satori at the muscle. Leigh started right below the knee. appalls at the bottom. Not all the way down, just right below the knee. Using those mother your gonna explode up Benny on the position of your feet. Is what Marshall you gonna isolated and targeted the most 。Now the last Exercise is delay, good morning Press. It's kind like isolation of deadlift Even notice you're not going all the way down. Because when you jump, if you ever see you're not bending Your knees all the way down. You exploding at the hips. And that what We want to target.