As part of our commitment to promoting the Web3 ecosystem, we offer a comprehensive grants program focused on funding software development and research efforts related to Polkadot and Substrate. For more information about the Web3 Foundation please visit the About page of our website.bookmark_tabs GuidelinesTechnical grants are intended to fund Polkadot and Substrate specific projects in the following areas: software development researchFor more specific information on our funding priorities, please view the Polkadot Stack and take a look at the accepted grant applications.The funding maximum for technical grants is $100,000 per project. Teams shouldn’t seek to cover 100% of their early-stage funding via W3F Grants alone.Any project requesting : $30k or less will receive approval the fastest. $31k - 100k will need to wait longer for a decision.Teams can apply for grants more than once, but they need to complete the previous project (as described in their application) before receiving additional funds.We are primarily interested in projects that can be completed in 3 months or less.