Assign FlexCast ModelsAs with physical desktops, it is not possible to meet every userrequirement with a single virtual desktop type. Different types ofusers need different types of desktops. Some users may requiresimplicity and standardization, while others may require high levelsof performance and personalization. Implementing a single desktopvirtualization model across an entire organization will inevitably leadto user frustration and reduced productivity.Citrix FlexCast offers a complete set of application and desktopvirtualization technologies that have been combined into a singleintegrated solution. Because each FlexCast model has differentadvantages and disadvantages, it is important that the right modelis chosen for each user group within the organization.There are five FlexCast models available, the advantages anddisadvantages of each model are described below:• Hosted shared – With the hosted shared FlexCast model,multiple user desktops are hosted on a single server-basedoperating system and provisioned using Machine CreationServices or Provisioning Services. The hosted shared desktopmodel provides a low-cost, high-density solution, howeverapplications must be compatible with a multi-user server basedoperating system. In addition, because multiple users aresharing a single operating system, users are restricted fromperforming actions that negatively affect other users, for exampleinstalling applications, changing system settings and restartingthe operating system. There is also the potential that a singleuser could consume an unfair share of resources, which maynegatively affect other users. The hosted shared FlexCast modelis provided by Citrix XenDesktop in combination with MicrosoftRemote Desktop Services (RDS).• Hosted VDI – The hosted VDI FlexCast model provides eachuser with a desktop operating system. Hosted VDI desktopsare less scalable than hosted shared desktops because eachuser requires their own operating system. However, hosted VDIdesktops remove the requirement that applications must bemulti-user aware and support server based operating systems.In addition, the hosted VDI model provides administrators witha granular level of control over the number of virtual processorsand memory assigned to each desktop. The hosted VDI modelis provided by Citrix XenDesktop, and offers the following subcategories:Random / Non-Persistent – Desktops are based on a singlemaster image and provisioned using Machine CreationServices or Provisioning Services. Users are dynamicallyconnected to one of the desktops in the pool each time theylogon. Changes to the desktop image are lost upon reboot.Static / Non-Persistent – Desktops are based on a singlemaster image and provisioned using Machine CreationServices or Provisioning Services. Users are allocated a virtualdesktop on first access. Once assigned, users will alwaysbe connected to the same virtual desktop. Changes to thedesktop image are lost upon reboot.Static Persistent – Desktops are based on a single masterimage and provisioned using Machine Creation Services orProvisioning Services. Users are allocated a virtual desktop onfirst access. Once assigned, users will always be connectedto the same virtual desktop. Changes to the desktop arestored in a personal vDisk and retained between reboots.Desktops with a personal vDisk cannot be shared betweenmultiple users; each user requires their own desktop. If highavailability is required, the personal vDisk must be stored onshared storage.