The load-carrying device shall be so designed that the load stays with的简体中文翻译

The load-carrying device shall be s

The load-carrying device shall be so designed that the load stays within the limits of position(s) determined by the manufacturer in any operational mode, including an emergency stop and load transfer. This can be achieved by integrating clamps, mechanical locks, stops, etc.As an alternative, means shall be provided to prevent the truck from moving when the load is not in the designated position on the load carrying device as determined by the manufacturer. This can be achieved by integrating camera, sensing device, switch, etc.Systems for lifting and tilting shall comply with ISO 3691-1:2011, 4.6.The safety-related parts of the control systems performing these functions shall be in accordance with Table 1, items 10, 11 and 12.
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
的承载装置应如此设计,使得(多个)位置的由制造商在任何操作模式中确定的限制,包括紧急停止和载荷传递内的负荷停留。这可以通过集成夹具,机械锁,止动等来实现<br>作为替代,应提供手段来防止叉车从移动时的负荷不处于上的负载承载装置由制造商确定的指定位置。这可以通过集成相机,感测装置,开关等来实现<br>2011年,4.6:用于升降系统和倾斜应符合ISO 3691-1的规定。<br>执行这些功能的控制系统的安全相关部分应按照表1,,11项目10和12。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
The load-carrying device shall be so designed that the load stays within the limits of position(s) determined by the manufacturer in any operational mode, including an emergency stop and load transfer. This can be achieved by integrating clamps, mechanical locks, stops, etc.<br>As an alternative, means shall be provided to prevent the truck from moving when the load is not in the designated position on the load carrying device as determined by the manufacturer. This can be achieved by integrating camera, sensing device, switch, etc.<br>Systems for lifting and tilting shall comply with ISO 3691-1:2011, 4.6.<br>The safety-related parts of the control systems performing these functions shall be in accordance with Table 1, items 10, 11 and 12.
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
承载装置的设计应确保在任何操作模式下,包括紧急停止和负载转移,负载保持在制造商确定的位置范围内。这可以通过集成夹具、机械锁、止动块等来实现。<br>作为替代方案,应提供装置,以防止当荷载不在制造商确定的承载装置上的指定位置时,卡车移动。这可以通过集成摄像机、传感装置、开关等来实现。<br>升降和倾斜系统应符合ISO 3691-1:2011,4.6。<br>执行这些功能的控制系统的安全相关部件应符合表1第10、11和12项的要求。<br>
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