Any scaffold over 38 meters (125 feet) tall• A tube and coupler scaffold which exceeds the maximum limits in Section 9.11 ofthe Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety Handbook• Any scaffold cantilevered (extended outward) by more than 3 meters (10 feet)• Any scaffold (except tank bracket scaffolds) with a total platform area over 30square meters (320 sq. ft.) that is supported by or hung from an existing structure(e.g., building, roof, pipe rack, offshore platform) or is within 3 meters (10 feet) ofany other scaffold supported by or hung from the same structure. • Any scaffold supporting loads greater than 240 kg/sq.m. (50 psf), including piping,equipment, masonry, new or existing structures, or loads other than workers andtheir materials• Any scaffold supported by or hung from one or more outrigger beams• Any scaffold supported by or hung from wind girders or roofs of floating roof tanks.