6.1 Under section 46A of the ESOS Act a registered “Provider Default” occurs if:(a) the provider fails to start providing the Course to the student at the location on the agreed starting day; or(b) after the Course starts but before it is completed, it ceases to be provided to the student at the location; and(c) the student has not withdrawn from the Course before the default day.6.2 Under section 47A of the ESOS Act a “Student Default” occurs if: (a) the student does not start their Course on the agreed start day (and the student has not previously withdrawn);(b) the student withdraws from their Course (either before or after the agreed start day);(c) the student fails to pay an amount he or she is liable to pay UNSW Global, directly or indirectly, in order to undertake a Course;(d) the student breached a condition of his or her student visa; or(e) Misbehaviour by the student.