QC microbiology laboratory of new electronic balance changes: <br>1. The purchase of two new programs for the accuracy of one hundredth of electronic balance, a store in WS05 Building, 8th Floor, Room 5892 balance, to be checked after qualifying for the medium powder, weighing agents; 308 stored in the other incubator chamber 205 workshop floor 2, to be used to verify compliance pure steam drying for detection. <br>2. The program will Mettler electronic scale model: ICS425K-0.6XS / f, check numbers are FM01-ZKZX-3012 (device number: 060301-308-0003) and Sartorius balance model: BSA6202S, school test No. FM01-308-203 (device number: 060301-308n-0001) as scrap. <br>"