Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" is easily one of the most important philosophical books ever written. If you study it for a while (and it takes quite a while to get more than a superficial grasp of what is going on in this dense but remarkable text), you will eventually want to work on the original German. The version put out by Philosophische Bibliothek is a small, handy volume that is inexpensive and not too hard to get hold of. It has a fairly decent index, and a fairly extensive bibliography of some of the more important scholarship on the book in the past several decades. While the paragraphs are not numbered, the paragraphs do match the numbering in Miller's translation of the Phenomenology, and it just takes a few (very worthwhile) hours to number the paragraphs in this version so that they can be correlated and compared with the most well-known English translation. An essential book for graduate students in philosophy and others who have a more than casual interest in one of