Also buy a hack–saw with 32 teeth per inch, some sandpaper in 320 and 600 grit, and a razorblade knife.• Cut the pipe into 6–inch, 7–inch and 8–inch lengths for 4x5 inch film; 8-inch , 9-inch andperhaps 10-inch (you may not need the 10-inch) lengths for 5x7 inch film, and 11-inch and 12-inchpieces for 8x10 inch film. Or choose lengths more appropriate for your needs. Just make sure you canget the sheet of film all the way into the tube with at least a half inch of play at each end and that theyare not too long to fit within the short dimension of the tray you plan to use.Why the different lengths of tube? That’s easy. It allows you to process different sheets of film for differentlengths of time without having to count or otherwise keep track of which film is which, during development.• Use the razor knife to scrape the shavings off the ends of each tube, then sand the ends with the320 grit paper followed by the 600 grit paper, until smooth. Or you can use a Dremel-style tool to buffthe ends out in no time. Beauty doesn’t matter, a good thing with that Dremel too! Wash out the tubesin soapy water, then rinse and dry. You are now ready to process.• Set up your darkroom exactly the same way you would for tray processing of sheet film,including pre–soak, etc. The only difference is that you must use larger trays. I use 11x14 trays for my4x5 and 5x7 film, a 16x20 tray for 8x10 film. For 4x5 film I use 1.5 liters of chemistry in the 11x14 trays.To be sure, put two or three tubes in an empty tray, fill with water to where you are sure the film wouldhave adequate exposure to developer (about a third of the way up the center of the tube), then measurethe liquid. That is the amount of developer, etc., you will need for that size film
还可以购买每英寸32齿的钢锯,320和600粒度的砂纸,以及剃须刀<br>。<br>•将管道切成6英寸,7英寸和8英寸的长度,以制作4x5英寸的胶片;<br>对于5x7英寸的胶片,长度为8英寸,9英寸甚至10英寸(您可能不需要10英寸),而<br>对于8x10英寸的胶片则为11英寸和12英寸。或者选择更适合您需要的长度。只要确保您可以<br>将胶片完全插入试管中,并且两端各有至少半英寸的间隙,并且胶片的<br>长度不要太长,以不适合打算使用的托盘的短尺寸。<br>为什么管的长度不同?这很容易。它使您可以针对不同的胶片处理不同的胶片<br>lengths of time without having to count or otherwise keep track of which film is which, during development.<br>• Use the razor knife to scrape the shavings off the ends of each tube, then sand the ends with the<br>320 grit paper followed by the 600 grit paper, until smooth. Or you can use a Dremel-style tool to buff<br>the ends out in no time. Beauty doesn’t matter, a good thing with that Dremel too! Wash out the tubes<br>in soapy water, then rinse and dry. You are now ready to process.<br>• Set up your darkroom exactly the same way you would for tray processing of sheet film,<br>including pre–soak, etc. The only difference is that you must use larger trays. I use 11x14 trays for my<br>4x5和5x7胶片,用于8x10胶片的16x20托盘。对于4x5胶片,我在11x14托盘中使用1.5升化学药品。<br>可以确定的是,将两个或三个管子放在空的托盘中,加水到您确定胶片将<br>充分暴露于显影剂的位置(大约在管子中心的三分之一处),然后测量<br>液体。那是显影液等的数量,您需要该尺寸的胶卷