The end of one stage marks the beginning of another. The new year's eve of this ceremonial year is the time for us to stop and look back on our spiritual life, to get rid of the old and welcome the new, and to look forward to the future. May the grace and peace of the LORD be with us.<br>The Bible is the first record of the century. The river that irrigates Yiyuan and the tree of life isolated by human beings because of sin echo in these two volumes and are also excerpted from the first reading of Sutra, which brings endless hope and inspiration for today's slow ending and future prospects. Christ, the dead and Resurrected Lord, has become a tree of life. Through the church he has established himself, he has bestowed abundant blessings and healed spiritual sufferings. The water of life means that the chosen share the holy life of God forever. The new human being and the reconstructed heaven and earth can be re integrated to restore harmony, and everything is better than the original.<br>