In life, we encounter various advertisements every day. Sometimes, we can stop and look around and find that some advertisements are helpful to our lives. This is the power of advertisements. <br>Advertisement is certainly not strange to everyone. It can be seen everywhere in our lives, but some of them bring a lot of convenience in our lives. On the one hand, advertising helps everyone understand the product, and advertising can tell people the advantages and functions. By reading, people can buy what they want, and the advertisement is much more interesting than what is written on the box, because the advertisement contains various elements, such as pictures, videos, and plots. Isn't this a good way to choose products? But good advertising can spread the information to the largest, fastest, and most widely, so that every household knows. Advertisement spreading methods include TV, Internet, radio, newspapers, leaflets, light boxes, etc. I think no matter what kind of advertisement, the first thing is to be true and civilized. The content can be understood at a glance, and it should be in line with consumers' psychology, stimulate and promote consumption, and maintain the long-term consumption of advertising more powerful.