

源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Precautions for transportation: Before transportation, check whether the packaging container is complete and sealed. During transportation, ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall, or be damaged. Mixed shipment and transportation with oxidants, acids, edible chemicals, etc. is strictly prohibited. Transport vehicles and vessels must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, otherwise no other items may be shipped. When shipping, the installation location should be far away from the bedroom, kitchen, and isolated from the engine room, power source, fire source, etc. When transporting by road, follow the prescribed route.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Transport precautions: before transport should check whether the packaging container is complete, sealed, during the transport process to ensure that the container does not leak, do not collapse, do not fall, do not damage. Mixing with oxidants, acids, edible chemicals, etc. is strictly prohibited. The transporter must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, otherwise no other items may be shipped. When shipping, the loading position should be away from the bedroom, kitchen, and with the cabin, power supply, fire source and other parts of isolation. Road transport should be on the prescribed route.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Precautions for transportation: before transportation, check whether the packaging container is complete and sealed, and ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall or damage during transportation. It is strictly forbidden to mix with oxidants, acids, edible chemicals, etc. The transport vehicles and vessels must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, otherwise other articles shall not be transported. When shipping, the fitting position should be far away from the bedroom and kitchen, and isolated from the engine room, power supply, fire source and other parts. Road transportation should be carried out according to the prescribed route.
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