In the preparation of carbon fiber reinforced composites, CF surfaceparticipates in forming an interfacial region between CF and the resinmatrix which could dramatically affect the properties of composites[32]. According to literature [2,34,61], the interfacial properties of CFreinforced polymer composites to a large extent depend on the wettability and functionality of CFs. Our previous research also showed thatimprovements in surface roughness and increases in the relative contentof oxygen-containing functional groups of HSCFs after the electrochemical surface oxidation could result in the significant increase in theILSS values [9]. Above SEM, XPS and Raman results showed that greatchanges in morphology structure and chemical composition happenedto UHMCF surfaces after electrochemical oxidation. Especially for thesurface chemistry of UHMCFs, a large extent of increases happened tothe relative content of the oxygen-containing functional groups duringelectrochemical surface oxidation. As a widely used epoxy resin,DGEBA is synthesized from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin and epoxygroups are its functional groups which can react with –COOH and –OHgroups. Therefore, in the preparation of UHMCF reinforced epoxy resincomposites, oxygen-containing groups react with the epoxy groups ofepoxy resin. The introduction of oxygen-containing groups on the surfaces of UHMCFs and its chemical reaction with the epoxy groups ofepoxy resin is shown in Fig. 10. With increases in the relative content ofoxygen-containing groups introduced onto the surfaces of UHMCFs, theILSS values of corresponding composites gradually increased afterelectrochemical surface oxidation.