Fluorination of conjugated polymers exhibits unique merits: (i) lowering energy level, thus increasing the electron affinity withoutsacrifice of bandgaps [78,79], (ii) improvement of molecularordering by induced dipole along C–F bond, and no steric hindrance due to the small size of fluorine atoms (van der Waalsradius, r = 0.135 nm) and their highest Pauling electronegativity[80,81], (iii) furthermore, the fluorine atoms offer noncovalentattractive interactions with the hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen atoms (F–C, F–H, F–S, F–O, F–N etc.), which enhances thecoplanarity of the polymer backbone and therefore the closermolecular packing and higher crystallization [82–84].
Fluorination of conjugated polymers exhibits unique merits: (i) lowering energy level, thus increasing the electron affinity without<br>sacrifice of bandgaps [78,79], (ii) improvement of molecular<br>ordering by induced dipole along C–F bond, and no steric hindrance due to the small size of fluorine atoms (van der Waals<br>radius, r = 0.135 nm) and their highest Pauling electronegativity<br>[80,81], (iii) furthermore, the fluorine atoms offer noncovalent<br>attractive interactions with the hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen atoms (F–C, F–H, F–S, F–O, F–N etc.), which enhances the<br>coplanarity of the polymer backbone and therefore the closer<br>molecular packing and higher crystallization [82–84].