An interlaboratory study of a method for determina-tion of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, chro-mium, and nickel in foodstuffs by atomic absorp-tion spectrophotometry (AAS) after dry ashing at45GPC was conducted in 16 laboratories. The studywas preceded by a practice round of familiarizationsamples and another round in which solutionswere distributed and the metals were determined di-rectly by AAS. The study included 5 different foods(liver paste, apple sauce, minced fish, wheat bran,and milk powder) and 2 composite diets. A singleanalysis was carried out on each sample. Suitablesample combinations were used as split level com-binations for determination of the repeatabilitystandard deviation. An interlaboratory study of a method for determina-tion of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, chro-mium, and nickel in foodstuffs by atomic absorp-tion spectrophotometry (AAS) after dry ashing at45GPC was conducted in 16 laboratories. The studywas preceded by a practice round of familiarizationsamples and another round in which solutionswere distributed and the metals were determined di-rectly by AAS. The study included 5 different foods(liver paste, apple sauce, minced fish, wheat bran,and milk powder) and 2 composite diets. A singleanalysis was carried out on each sample. Suitablesample combinations were used as split level com-binations for determination of the repeatabilitystandard deviation.