The seismic data is windowed in the time domain in the both the temporal and spatial directions. Time windows are discussed in the next section. The ANOMALOUS_AMP_ATTEN SFM can be operated in 2D or 3D modes by selecting the appropriate option for the parameter set DATA_MODE. The 2D and 3D modes refer to the dimensions of the spatial windows. In the 2D mode, the spatial window is in one dimension (with time being the other dimension). In 3D mode, the spatial window is in two dimensions (with time being the third dimension). In 2D mode, the spatial window is defined by the .MEDIAN_FILT_WIDTH_INLINE parameter. It is the number of traces around the given trace that are used to compute the filter. The spatial window is only used to obtain median amplitudes for the center trace. Amplitude scaling or replacement is applied only to the center trace. No spatial blending is performed. In 3D mode, the spatial window is defined by two parameters: MEDIAN_FILT_WIDTH_INLINE and MEDIAN_FILT_WIDTH_XLINE, which define the number of traces in primary and secondary directions. Figure Figure 2 is a schematic of multiple shots and traces within a shot showing 2D and 3D spatial windows.