The dependent variable used in this study is the green process innovation that contributes to theenvironment in the production process and the green consumer innovation that helps the environmentalcontribution of the final consumer. Chen, Lai and Wen [12] defined a green process innovation thatmeans energy savings, pollution prevention, waste recycling, or less toxicity in the production process.The green process innovation consists of three items such as an answer to the reduction of materialconsumption per unit of output, energy usage per unit of production, and carbon dioxide generation inthe process of producing a product [55,56]. The definition of green consumer innovation is similar tothe green product innovation proposed in previous studies. However, we changed the original meaningto the purpose of the research to fit this study because the company destined to raise sustainabilitycan accomplish the final goal as consumers contribute to the environment by using the company’sproducts. Green consumer innovation consists of the following six items. Each question is about whatthe end consumer can contribute to the environment while using the outcomes of each company, suchas replacing pollutants or hazardous materials, recycling waste, reducing energy use, and improvingrecyclability after product use [12]. When dealing with green innovation in previous studies, most ofthe dependent variables are defined as innovation in the form of environmental performance that can beachieved by the firm. We believe that sustainability can be achieved through developing the eco-friendlyproduct by a firm’s green innovation and reducing the waste of products by consumers. [57].