power Supp y faiure and it's ocationa. Confirm which Power Supply is t的简体中文翻译

power Supp y faiure and it's ocatio

power Supp y faiure and it's ocationa. Confirm which Power Supply is to be replaced. When looking at the server from the rear PS0 is on the bottom and ps1 is on the top.b. lf the specific power supply to be replaced is not yet known check the status LEDs to identify the failed Power Supply. A failed PSU should have it's amber "service required" LED lit. A working PSU will only have it's green "OK" LED lit.c. lf the service is to be performed while the system is up and running confirm that the second psu is online and working properly.d. lf a replacement Power Supply is not yet available leave the failed supply in place to provide proper airflow within the system until the replacement is available. You may notice that the failed Power Supply's fans are still turning. This is ok and the power supply may be removed while the fans are still spinning.2. Remove the Power Supplya. Gain access to the rear of the server where the faulty power supply is located.b. lf the cable management arm(CMA) is installed, disconnect the connector D on the left-side by pressing the green release tab on the slide-rail latching bracket toward the left and slide the connector D out of the left slide-rall.c. Rotate the cable management arm out of the way so that you can access the power supply, remove velcro straps from cables if necessary to avoid removing any other cablesaccidentally during maintenance actions.To avoid damaging the CMA do not allow the CMA to hang under it's own weight.(lf necessary extend the server approximately 20 cm (8 inches) out of the front of the rack to gain access to the power supply) d. Disconnect the power cord from the failed power supply.e. lf the power supply is being replaced hot while the system is up then care should be taken to make sure that AC power to the second power supply is not interrupted during the removal of the failed unit. Check to make sure that the AC input is properly seated in the second unit and if necessary hold in it's AC cord while performing the next steps to ensure that the AC input is not interrupted while removing the failed unit.f. Grasp the power supply handle and push the power supply latch to the left. g. Pull the power supply out of the chassis and set it aside on an antistatic mat.3. Install the replacement Power Supplya. Remove the replacement power supply from its packaging and place it on an antistatic mat. b. Align the power supply with the empty power supply bay.c. Slide the power supply into the bay until it is fully seated. (an audible click will be heard when it is fully seated) d. Reconnect the power cord to the power supply.e. Verify that the amber LED on the replaced power supply and the Service Required LEDs on the chassis are not lit.4.Return the Server to operationa. f you pulled the server out of the rack to make it easier to remove the power supply, push the server into the rack until the slide-rail locks (on the front of the server) engage the slide-rail assemblies.b. lf a cable management arm is installed and was removed to access the power supply reattach the CMA clip to the slide rail. c.Check all power and data cables to ensure that no connections were disturbed during the service. d. Verify that the Power/OK indicator led lights steady on and that system is operating properly.e. lf the power supply in slot 0 has been replaced in a "hot-swap" process (ie. the PSU was replaced while the system is up and running) then the lLOM should be reset so that thesystem is prompted to check the Tll data containers and the psnc values can be copied over to the new supply. (if more than one part was replaced at the same time the automatic copying of psnc data may not happen so replacing multiple frus containing TLl data simultaneously should not be done). To reset the lLOM from the command line interface execute"reset isp" as shown in the example below.(From the Webgul ao to the "i oM Administration"-'Maintenance" window and select the "Reset S" tab to reset the spi
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
电源供应故障和它的位置<br>a。确认要更换的电源。从后面看服务器时,PS0 位于底部,ps1 位于顶部。<br>湾。如果尚不清楚要更换的具体电源,请检查状态 LED 以识别故障电源。故障 PSU 的琥珀色“需要维修”LED 应亮起。正常工作的 PSU 只会点亮绿色的“OK”LED。<br>C。如果要在系统启动并运行时执行服务,请确认第二个 psu 在线并正常工作。<br>d。如果更换电源尚不可用,请将发生故障的电源留在原处,以便在系统内提供适当的气流,直到更换可用为止。您可能会注意到故障电源的风扇仍在转动。这没关系,并且可以在风扇仍在旋转时移除电源。2.<br>卸下电源 <br>访问故障电源所在的服务器后部。<br>湾。如果安装了理线臂 (CMA),请断开左侧的连接器 D,方法是向左按压滑轨锁定支架上的绿色释放卡舌,然后将连接器 D 从左侧滑轨中滑出。<br>C。将电缆管理臂旋转到一边,以便您可以接触到电源,如有必要,请从电缆上取下尼龙搭扣带,以避免<br>在维护操作期间意外移除任何其他电缆。为避免损坏 CMA,请勿让 CMA 悬挂在其下方自重。(如有必要,将服务器从机架前部伸出大约 20 厘米(8 英寸)以接触电源) d. 从故障电源断开电源线。<br>e. 如果在系统启动时正在热更换电源,则应注意确保第二个电源的交流电源在移除故障单元期间不会中断。检查以确保 AC 输入正确安装在第二个单元中,如有必要,在执行后续步骤时握住其 AC 电源线,以确保在移除故障单元时 AC 输入不会中断。<br>F。抓住电源手柄并将电源闩锁推向左侧。G。将电源从机箱中拉出并将其放在防静电垫上。3.<br>安装替换电源 <br>从包装中取出替换电源并将其放在防静电垫上。湾。将电源与空的电源托架对齐。<br>C。将电源滑入托架,直至其完全就位。(完全就位时会听到咔哒声) d. 将电源线重新连接到电源。<br>e. 确认已更换电源上的琥珀色 LED 和机箱上的需要维修的 LED 未亮起。<br>4.使服务器恢复<br>运行 如果您将服务器从机架中拉出以便更轻松地卸下电源,请将服务器推入机架,直到滑轨锁(位于服务器正面)与滑轨组件啮合。<br>湾。如果安装并卸下了理线臂以接触电源,则将 CMA 夹重新连接到滑轨上。c.检查所有电源线和数据线,确保在服务过程中没有任何连接受到干扰。d。验证电源/正常指示灯 LED 灯是否稳定亮起并且系统运行正常。<br>e. 如果在“热插拔”过程中更换了插槽 0 中的电源(即在系统启动并运行时更换了 PSU),则应重置 lLOM,以便<br>系统会提示检查 Tll 数据容器,并且可以将 psnc 值复制到新的供应。(如果同时替换了多个部分,则可能不会自动复制 psnc 数据,因此不应同时替换多个包含 TL1 数据的 frus)。要从命令行界面重置 lLOM,请执行“reset isp”,如下例所示。(从 Webgul ao 到“i oM Administration”-“Maintenance”窗口并选择“Reset S”选项卡以重置 spi
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
电源费和它的位置<br>a、 确认要更换的电源。从后面看服务器时,PS0在底部,ps1在顶部。<br>b、 如果还不知道要更换的具体电源,请检查状态指示灯,以识别故障电源。出现故障的PSU的琥珀色“需要服务”指示灯应亮起。正常工作的PSU只有绿色“OK”LED亮起。<br>c、 如果要在系统启动和运行时执行服务,请确认第二个psu在线且工作正常。<br>d、 如果更换电源还不可用,请将故障电源留在原位,以便在更换电源可用之前在系统内提供适当的气流。您可能会注意到,故障电源的风扇仍在转动。这是正常的,当风扇仍在旋转时,电源可能会断开。<br>2.卸下电源<br>a、 进入故障电源所在的服务器后部。<br>b、 如果安装了电缆管理臂(CMA),向左按滑轨锁紧支架上的绿色释放卡舌,断开左侧的接头D,并将接头D滑出左侧滑轨。<br>c、 将电缆管理臂旋转到一边,以便接触电源,必要时从电缆上拆下velcro尼龙粘扣带,以避免拆下任何其他电缆<br>在维护操作过程中发生意外。为避免损坏CMA,请勿让CMA悬挂在自身重量下。(如有必要,将服务器伸出机架前部约20厘米(8英寸)以接触电源)d.断开电源线与故障电源的连接。<br>e、 如果在系统启动时电源处于热更换状态,则应注意确保在拆除故障装置期间,第二个电源的交流电源不会中断。检查以确保交流输入正确安装在第二台装置中,如有必要,在执行下一步时,握住其交流电源线,以确保在拆卸故障装置时交流输入不会中断。<br>f、 抓住电源手柄并向左推电源闩锁。g、 将电源从机箱中拔出,放在防静电垫上。<br>3.安装更换电源<br>a、 从包装中取出更换电源,并将其放在防静电垫上。b、 将电源与空电源托架对齐。<br>c、 将电源滑入托架,直至完全就位。(完全就位时会听到咔哒声)d.将电源线重新连接到电源。<br>e、 确认更换的电源上的琥珀色指示灯和机箱上的需要维修的指示灯未点亮。<br>4.使服务器恢复运行<br>a、 如果您将服务器从机架中拉出以便于卸下电源,请将服务器推入机架,直到滑轨锁(位于服务器前部)与滑轨组件接合。<br>b、 如果安装并拆除了电缆管理臂,以接近电源,请将CMA夹重新连接到滑轨上。c、 检查所有电源和数据电缆,确保在维修期间没有连接受到干扰。d、 确认Power/OK(电源/正常)指示灯led稳定亮起,系统工作正常。<br>e、 如果在“热插拔”过程中更换了插槽0中的电源(即在系统启动和运行时更换了PSU),则应重置lLOM,以便<br>系统会提示检查Tll数据容器,并且psnc值可以复制到新的电源。(如果同时更换了多个零件,可能不会自动复制psnc数据,因此不应同时更换包含TLl数据的多个FRU)。要从命令行界面重置lLOM,请执行“重置isp”,如下例所示。(从Webgul ao到“IOM管理”-“维护”窗口,选择“重置S”选项卡重置spi
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
电源故障及其位置a.确认要更换哪个电源。从背面看服务器时,PS0在底部,ps1在顶部。b.如果尚不知道要更换的具体电源,请检查状态指示灯,以确定出现故障的电源。出现故障的PSU的琥珀色“需要维修”led灯应该亮起。正常工作的PSU只会亮起绿色的“正常”LED。c.如果要在系统启动并运行的情况下执行该服务,请确认第二个psu在线且工作正常。d.如果更换电源尚不可用,请将出现故障的电源留在原位,以便在更换电源可用之前为系统提供适当的气流。您可能会注意到故障电源的风扇仍在转动。这是正常的,当风扇仍在旋转时,可以移除电源。2.移除电源a.接触到故障电源所在的服务器背面。b.如果安装了电缆管理臂(CMA ),请向左按滑轨锁闩支架上的绿色释放卡舌,断开左侧的连接器D,并将连接器D滑出左侧滑轨。c.将电缆管理臂旋转到一边,以便可以接触到电源,必要时从电缆上取下velcro带,以避免取下任何其他电缆维护操作过程中意外发生。为避免损坏CMA,不要让CMA在自身重量下悬挂。(如有必要,将服务器从机架正面伸出约20厘米(8英寸),以便接触到电源)d .断开故障电源的电源线。e.如果在系统启动时更换电源,则应注意确保在移除故障单元的过程中,第二个电源的交流电源不会中断。检查以确保交流输入正确安装在第二个单元中,如有必要,在执行后续步骤时握住其交流电源线,以确保在移除故障单元时交流输入不会中断。f.抓住电源手柄,向左推动电源闩锁。g .将电源从机箱中拉出,放在防静电垫上。3.安装替换电源a.从包装中取出更换用电源,并将其放在防静电垫上。b .将电源与空的电源托架对齐。c.将电源滑入托架,直至其完全就位。(完全就位时会听到咔嗒声)d .将电源线重新连接到电源。e.验证更换的电源上的琥珀色指示灯和机箱上的“需要维修”指示灯未亮起。4.使服务器恢复运行a.如果您将服务器从机架中拉出以便于卸下电源,请将服务器推入机架,直到滑轨锁(位于服务器正面)与滑轨装置啮合。b.如果安装了电缆管理臂并将其卸下以接近电源,请将CMA夹重新安装到滑轨上。c .检查所有电源和数据电缆,以确保在维修过程中没有连接受到干扰。d .验证电源/正常指示灯led是否稳定亮起,以及系统是否正常运行。e.如果在“热交换”过程中更换了插槽0中的电源(即在系统启动并运行时更换了PSU),则应该重置lLOM,以便系统被提示检查Tll数据容器,psnc值可以被复制到新的供应。(如果同时更换了多个零件,psnc数据的自动复制可能不会发生,因此不应同时更换多个包含TLl数据的fru)。要从命令行界面重置lLOM,请执行“reset isp ”,如下例所示。(从Webgul ao到“i oM管理”-“维护”窗口,选择“重置”选项卡重置spi
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