An improved scissors lift which includes a hydraulicmechanism, in the form of one or more hydraulic cylinder/piston units, mounted on scissors linkages in anessentially vertical position in appropriate cradles between two arm pairs of the linkages, at a position inwhich there is substantial movement at both ends of thehydraulic unit. The cylinder/piston hydraulic unit is somounted to exert a thrust primarily in the direction ofthe load for all positions of the linkages, and to providean essentially constant load/thrust/speed ratio for allpositions of the linkages, and also to permit full extension of the linkages without excessive movement of thehydraulic piston. The arms of the scissors linkages areprovided with ear-shaped brackets at each end whichserve to displace the pivotal axes between the armsaway from the horizontal axes of the respective arms soas to permit the arms to be folded down directly on topof one another when the lift is in its collapsed position.This construction not only permits the lift to be collapsed to a minimum height, as compared with the priorart lifts, but it also provides for a minimum stress at thepivot points of the arms when the linkage is in its lowermost position, since the weight of the platform is directly supported by the arms of the linkages along theirentire lengths. -