Hard anodic coatings for critical chamber components shall be specified as follows onApplied Materials drawings:A1. When the component to be anodized has no blind holes, through holes, threadedinserts or dowel pins:FINISH: HARD ANODIZE PER APPLIED MATERIALS SPECIFICATION0250-39693 TO THICKNESS 0.00X 0.00Y INCH. ALL DIMENSIONSAPPLY AFTER FINISH.A2. When the component to be anodized has at least one of the following features:blind holes, through holes, threaded inserts and/or dowel pins:FINISH: HARD ANODIZE PER APPLIED MATERIALS SPECIFICATION0250-39693 TO THICKNESS 0.00X 0.00Y INCH. ALL DIMENSIONSAPPLY AFTER FINISHING. ALL THROUGH/BLIND HOLES PLUGGED ORMASKED. INSTALL THREADED INSERTS AND/OR DOWEL PINS AFTERFINISHING.A3. Default hard anodic coatings are DI water sealed unless otherw ise specified ondrawings.A4. Surfaces not to be anodized shall be indicated on drawings.A5. The requirements specified in Section 3.5 are not applicable to holes forthreaded inserts and dowel pins. Masking or plugging of all such holes ismandatory unless otherw ise indicated.A6. Hard anodic coatings tend to develop voids and cracks at sharp corners andedges due to the manner of coating formation. All edges shall be radiused priorto anodizing. Chamfering shall not be applied unless resulting sharp edges areradiused. The recommended minimum radii of curvature for various coatingthickness are summarized in Table A1.