The level of euphoria – the initial thrill and enthusiasm that comes along with tourism development results in the fact that the tourist is made welcome. The level of apathy – once tourism development is under way and the consequential expansion has taken place, the tourist is taken for granted and is now seen only as a source of profit-taking. What contact is made between host and guest is done on a commercial and formal footing. The level of irritation – as the industry approaches saturation point, the hosts can no longer cope with the number of tourists without the provision of additional facilities. The level of antagonism – the tourist is now seen as the harbinger of all ills, hosts are openly antagonistic towards tourists and tourists are regarded as being there to be exploited. The final level – during the above process of ‘development’ the host population has forgotten that all they once regarded as being special was exactly the same thing that attracted the tourist, but in the rush to develop tourism circumstances have changed. The social impact has been comprehensive and complete and the tourists will move to different destinations.