Next, we observed the effect of exogenous D-Gal on suppressing the primary root growth of gals1 mutants and GALS1 overexpressors. We found that exogenous application of D-Gal suppressed the primary root growth of all the genotypes in the presence of NaCl. Suppression of primary root length in the wild type was weaker than in GALS1 overexpressors, and stronger than in gals1 mutants (Figure 3A and 3B). Meanwhile, we determined the prevalence of the β-1,4-galactan epitope in the roots of the above tested genotypes. The induction of β-1,4-galactan levels correlated with the suppression of primary root growth in wild type, GALS1 overexpressors and gals1 mutants (Figure 3C and 3D). These results further confirm the strong correlation between β-1,4-galactan and salt sensitivity