aitaee toug daga sdad suonen alesut shoutl muditle schols trdentyrideNStIRlNeiN i旅estAerssutt Sone stadintsqyret Theythog-warr yeeikestaschestuasveryconvenient fran thiem anitcoultatelss tinse tayeto scoatsothat thieyconid havwe more timetoexhr cAxlaetires funttieotherstuodeats disagrest they saudit wam?tare fiar the jsmiorstudentrtoritessbiker tago to schoutd e caueiwere tooygh,.Theyalsa f aidthe tiafticinthe morningwaers hysywadtis stustenmtscoutdo't ride e=bike quickly they pssny mayfterogoko-