If PNC Hazard is not active, when Hazard Warning Light is in state on, Port: IndcrSts (CAN
signal IndcrTurnSts1WdSts), the side turn indicators shall continue flashing in phase with the
flashers on the rest of the vehicle using the patterns in Port: IndcrPat (CAN signals
IndcrPatCmd1WdTiOn and IndcrPatCmd1WdTiOff). Continuous tracking of the latest received
positive or negative flank (IndcrTrig in Port: ActvnOfIndcr) must be done to continue flashing in
phase. This is only required in Usage Mode < Active.
When PNC Hazard is active, the side turn indicators shall be synchronized with the lights on the
rest of the vehicle by using the positive and negative flanks (IndcrTrig in Port: ActvnOfIndcr).
The latest received patterns in Port: IndcrPat shall be stored in non-volatile RAM for use when
PNC Hazard is inactive. Default if no patterns have been received is 250ms On, 400ms Off.
The side indicator timing shall not vary by more than 40ms over a period of 30 seconds in Hazard