Response: Be Customer Obsessed is the principle Idemonstrate most. As a developer, I may notable to talk to our customer directly. But justthinking of my projects will meet ourcustomer make me excited. I am alwaystrying to give them a good and stableexperience on our platform and I alwaysdouble check my changes to make sure wedelivery the right thing. I will keep doing itwithout doubtEnglish: English is not my motherlanguage. Sometimes I don't know howto phrase my question. Sometimes I feelI don't know how to write a welldocumented wiki in English. I amcurrently working on it. Try to exposemyself more in an english environment.• Java skillset: Sometimes I am not feelcomfortable enough to write Java. Iused to use Ruby and Javascript. I amtrying to improve it by reading sometechnical books like "Effective Java" and"Clean Code