2. In the combination of centrifugal tomography fluorescence immunoassay, the fluorescent substance may be evenly linked or penetrated into the microsphere to obtain a fluorescent microsphere. The fluorescent substance may be a fluorescent dye of a single compound or a composite fluorescent dye consisting of several compounds. At present, commonly used organic fluorescent dyes are isothocyanic acid fluoride (FITC for short), tetraethyl roddanmin, tetramethyl isothaliticina roddanin, algal hemoglobin (PE), polyamyanobacteria lutein chlorophyll protein (PerCP), propiolyceid (PI), and alasogloi (APC), Rare earth fluorescent materials commonly used in rare earth element fluorescent dyes are luminescent substrates such as sulphides and niobium acids of alkali earth metals, and rare earth niobium elements (niobium, niobium, niobium, etc.) as activators and auxiliary activators.