Children’s Loneliness Scale: The scale was originally developed to assess loneliness in children byAsher and Wheeler (1985). Adaptation study to Turkish was conducted by Kaya (2005). Adaptationstudy was carried out with two different age groups. The first group involved students from 3rd to 4thgrades, and the second one consisted of students from 5th to 8th grade. Having completed PCA for thesecond group, there were 23 items left eight of which were filling items, and nine of which are reverseitems. Cronbach alpha coefficient was computed as .87 for the second group. The scale isunidimensional. Higher score indicates high level of loneliness. Cronbach alpha was calculated as .85for the current study.Personal Data Sheet: A personal data sheet was used to gather data about demographic variablessuch as gender, age, grade level and GPA.