The purpose of short-circuit protection is to cut off the circuit quickly and reliably in the event of a short circuit failure, so as to ensure the power load and personal safety. At present, the short circuit protection almost all use fuse as the main protection, circuit breaker as the form of backup protection, the main protection short circuit fault using fuse as short circuit protection is a kind of fault that often occurs when our electrical equipment is running, is also an electrical fault that often occurs in our production life, in order to minimize the occurrence of short circuit fault, usually we in the operation of electrical equipment, equipped with short circuit protection equipment, short circuit protection refers to the power system in operation, Current flowing between phases or between phases (or neutral lines) when an abnormal connection (i.e. a short circuit) occurs. The value can be much greater than the rated current and depends on the electrical distance of the short circuit point from the power supply. For example, in the event of a short circuit at the generator end, the maximum instantaneous value of the short-circuit current flowing through the generator can be 10 to 15 times the rated current. In high-capacity power systems, short-circuit currents can reach tens of thousands of amps. This will have serious effects and consequences on the normal operation of the power system.